Thursday, 18 July 2013

A break is as good as a rest

I have a number of blogger friends in my life outside the net and whenever I talk to them about their blog the recurring theme is that blogging is essentially a second job. Except of course that it doesn't come with all the perks of a second job, i.e. the steady flow of cash! Now, I am sure that when many people think of blogging they think, "Oh, writing. How hard can that be?!" But bloggers (and writers) know differently. Firstly, there's coming up with an idea for a post, one which is engaging and endearing to your reader(s). Then you have to consider what imagery you'll use, how it will be formatted, crediting appropriate sources. Then you can write. It might seem straight forward but combine it with the tasks of everyday life and suddenly your life seems pretty busy.

So, what does this have to do with my hiatus from blogging you might ask?

I'm under no illusions that, currently, the only person who actually knows I've not been blogging is myself but perhaps one day, when I'm a fabulously successful blogger pulling in a 100k visitors a week (one can dream can't one) someone might stumble across these early posts and think, "Gee, Sarah was a bit slack back in the day". To which I will have this reply ready: blogging is a lot harder than I thought it would be! There, I've said it, I've admitted that things became a bit too much and I cracked under the pressure! Oh the shame!

Never let it be said however that I shy away from a challenge! So, yes, I admit, maintaining a regular blog has been hard work and yes, I have been a bit lazy. But, I am determined to make my blog work, if only for the fact that someone, someday might come across this little piece of online Real Estate when I am long gone (and the internet is embedded as a microchip in our heads) and think, "Hey, this Sarah girl seems alright, she had some pretty good ideas."

Simple dreams I know, but that's who I am.

Stay tuned for further, more regular blogging from now on - pinkie promise!

Hmm, well I could blog or I could create a database of all the different clothing combinations I own

Sarah x

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