Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Follow the Reader

A few months ago I submitted a piece for the travel section of The Australian newspaper called Follow the Reader. Writers send in a 400 word article about a travel experience for a chance to win a prize. Unfortunately my work wasn't published (sob) and so far I haven't heard a response back from them. Nevertheless, I'm still pretty proud of what I wrote and thought I'd share it here with you all. It recounts my experience at Glastonbury 2013. As 2013 draws to a dark, cold end it's time to look back and get nostalgic at the year that was. Here's my favourite memory this year - arguably the best 5 days of my life!

Glastonbury: Heaven on Earth

It’s dawn when we leave Shangri-la. The misty morning sees glittered and neoned revellers depart the hedonistically named club. I’m at Glastonbury 2013. The Rolling Stones headlined last night and the memories of their set still linger.

As we walk back to our tent we reminisce about the night before. The surging crowd and feeling of euphoria as we caught glimpses of Mick strutting on the big screens either side of the stage. The sounds of ‘Brown Sugar’, ‘It’s only Rock and Roll (But I like it)’ and ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’ still reverberated in our ears as we made our way to Arcadia, one of Glastonbury’s legendary after party arenas. The huge metal spider which formed the stage belched fire into the air and a crowd quickly grew. It was rumoured Daft Punk would be performing. Everywhere around us people whispered their names excitedly. Fat Boy Slim started his set. We’d seen him on the festival’s first night, playing a secret gig. He’d included a snippet of Get Lucky and two people dressed in the duo’s distinctive masks had walked behind him. The crowd had gone hysterical. Everyone assumed it was a not-so-subtle nod to tonight.

When the famed DJ finished his set we strained our necks hoping to get a glimpse of a gold helmet, black visor – anything to confirm the rumours. Alas, the MC comes on the stage to announce the imminent arrival of Chase and Status. The crowd quickly dispersed, let down by yet another false Glastonbury rumour. But this is what it’s all about! The fevered excitement, the feeling that anything is possible.

It was our last big night at the festival and I was determined we weren’t going to bed before dawn. We’d followed the crowds through the maze of takeaway stands and tents, passing Boundary 9, another of Glastonbury’s after party areas, designed to appear like an apocalyptic city. Decaying buildings and laser lights set the scene. Finally we came to Shangri-la, home to the opposing clubs Heaven and Hell.  Along the way we found a pop-up club in the side of a tunnel where dancers in bras and knickers sprayed dry ice into the crowd. When I went to get a drink I noticed Veuve Clicquot advertised on the menu along cheap spirits and mixers – only in Glasto!

Back at the tent we fall into bed fully clothed. In just three hours we’ll be waking up to our last day at the world’s greatest music festival.

What are your favourite memories from 2013?

Sarah x

Monday, 25 November 2013

Day dreaming at the Ideal Home Show

I'm not yet a homeowner and although I rent I rarely personalise the property apart from a few throw cushions and none-permanent fixtures. I dunno, I just don't feel quite ready to commit to styling somewhere unless I know I'm going to be living in it for a few years - call me old fashioned! Still, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate day dreaming about my future home. Last week I had the perfect opportunity for some mental interior design when I attended the Ideal Home Show Exhibition in Earls Court. My lovely friend Kimberly from Swoonworthy and I had been kindly invited by Magnet to check out what the show had to offer. I hadn't seen Kimberly since my move to London so it was the perfect opportunity to catch up!

We arrived early afternoon and were greeted with a scene that wouldn't be out of place in John Lewis's latest advert. Fake snow and pine trees abounded outside the exhibition centre. Inside was similar with a whole area customised to look like a snow covered forest. Very cute without the accompanying cold weather!

Very sweet bath bombs by Pretty Happy Lovely Stuff.

In between gossip about work and general girly chit chat (she's going to kill me for saying that :-P) Kimberly and I took in the delights of the Home Show. From hot tubs and roofing to knick knacks and bedding, this place had it all - including an ice rink! While most of the stands showcased some genuinely lovely homewares, we did have some questions about others (E Cigarettes?)

My favourite stand was the opulent Moroccan Bazaar feature - I'm a sucker for anything Morroccan! I also loved the his and her bedrooms designed by Laurence Llewelyn Bowen. The colours were probably a bit too bold for me but there were definitely elements I'd love to incorporate into my (future) home. That bath tub is gorgeous!

Classic luxury from Moroccan Bazaar.

An LLB designed room - naturally!

LLB's 'her' bedroom

After a few laps of the ground floor we were exhausted! A short recharge session at one of the bars (non alcohol - we were working after all!) we decided to see what the upstairs had to offer. It was delicious - literally! One half of upstairs housed all the food stands and we were kicking ourselves that we hadn't started our tour of the show there first. (Apologies for the lack of images from my favourite section - I got too distracted, the curse of being a food loving photographer!)

I'm a sucker for food stalls of any kind and could happily spend a day (and a few hundred pounds) browsing all the treats on offer. Sadly, we didn't have very long to spend upstairs as we'd underestimated how much time we had left before Kimberly had to catch her train back up north (sob). We tore ourselves away from the food, had a quick look around the fashion section (disappointing) before we bid goodbye to the fake snow and cheery elves still waving outside and hopped on a tube home.

Sarah x

Did you visit the Ideal Home Show? What was your favourite part? 

Image credit: Demotix/All other photography my own

Thursday, 21 November 2013

InStyle Hot List Ideas

Well, dear readers, woman cannot live on blogging alone and so while most Londoners fight for space on the Tube I'm fighting for my dream job. Elbows at the ready!

One application for InStyle magazine (!!!) involves me suggesting three ideas for a March issue hot list. Not wanting to be selfish I thought I'd share my ideas with you.

Wish me luck!

Hottest Staycation Destinations in the UK - Forget travelling overseas, whisk yourself off for a spring weekend and see the best of Britannia.

Hottest Springtime Shops - Forget just one or two pieces from these boutiques, we want the whole store! We tell you the only places you'll need to shop this Spring.

Hottest Treats - Last year was all about the cronut, what delights will the world of pastry offer us this year? We check out what you'll be craving on your cheat days!

Sarah x

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

London Christmas Windows: Part One

Ever since I was little, visits to big cities near Christmas time have always meant one thing - Christmas windows! While department stores wow us with their creativity to entice us to spend more inside, I'm sure mine and many other parents saw them as an opportunity for some free entertainment for the kids (which of course they are, although cynics among us know it's savvy marketing). Even now, Christmas isn't complete without a visit to see some department store windows. One of the benefits of living in London is having the creme de la creme of department stores on your doorstep. This weekend the bf and I visited Knightsbridge (natch) home of my favourite Christmas window displays, Harvey Nichols and Harrods.

Our first visit was to Harvey Nics, ever famed for its connection to Absolutely Fabulous. Edwina might have enjoyed their luxury lunches but I felt their windows were a bit lacking. Sure they were suitably stylish but they failed to tell a story and instead just showcased the products inside (the cheek!). C'mon HN you can do better!

Of course, we should have known that round the corner was the star atop Knightsbridge's Christmas tree. Harrods always puts on a show with their Christmas windows and this year was no different. The whole row of windows along Brompton Road has been designed as a steam train with each window a different carriage. Love!

Of course, a visit to Harrods wouldn't be complete without a bit of indulgence...

Stay tuned for more Christmas window adventures soon!

Sarah x

Which is your favourite carriage on the Harrods Christmas Express?

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

A new adventure

Dennis Road has had a bit of a relocation in these past few weeks. That's right folks, I've taken the big girl step and moved daarn south to the big smoke. London baby! Now, I might be a walking cliche, another Aussie in London, but living in the city of palaces and plays has always been my dream so I couldn't be more excited at my new adventure.

Our current residence is south of that big river from the Eastenders intro, Vauxhall. Home to gay clubs galore and the iconic MI5 building it's my new home for the next year. I'm sure there'll be plenty of excitement beyond this door so stay tuned to see what I get up to!

Sarah x

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Vogue Fashion Night Out (or How I died and went to Fashion Heaven)

‘Sup fashion lovers! This post comes a few weeks late but nevertheless it’s full of sartorial goodness, so go on, eat it up!

While London has long dominated the fashion landscape in the UK, Manchester is slowly starting to make its way down the runway. Helping out in a huge way this year was the fact that Vogue (yes that Vogue) hosted its annual Fashion Night Out on the humble streets of Manchester. Excitement amongst local fashionistas had reached fever pitch in the weeks before the big night out and while I’d always thought I’d pop along to see what was on offer I never thought I’d be doing it VIP style!

My lovely friend and fellow blogger LilyKitten was offered a suite at the Radisson Blu Edwardian hotel for herself and some friends. Naturally I jumped at the chance for an afternoon of pampering – what gal could resist! While Lily was whisked away to take part in a styling session and interview with BBC (!!) I made myself at home in the Radisson’s plush suite, helping myself to some champagne while a MAC makeup artist transformed me into a Cara Delavigne look alike (well not quite but she still did a pretty good job!)

MAC’d out and made up with our new looks we headed off to Selfridges, one of the main locations for VFNO. The yellow store certainly didn’t disappoint, I spied Henry Holland soon after we’d walked through the front door closely followed by a smiling Daisy Lowe who glided past so quickly I’d barely had a chance to fumble in my high street bag for my camera before she was gone! 

Celebrity sightings over we lined up next to one of the stylish snack carts, bedecked with festive umbrellas which were dotted amongst Hermes bags and McQueen scarves (bit risky if you ask me!) We had crepes for starters, washed down with some designer prosecco. 

A wander through the rest of Selfridges revealed cotton candy machines, mini hotdogs, cup cakes and numerous cocktail bars on offer. Naturally, as a food lover (and because I hadn’t eaten all afternoon) my eyes were drawn to the nibbles but Selfridges also dished up temporary Matthew Williamson butterfly tattoos and Chanel manicures.

Eager to explore what else Vogue had up their Armani sleeves we wandered over to Harvey Nicholson. At first I was ready to dismiss HN as the poor sibling of Selfridges but a quick trip to the second floor revealed a sartorial wonderland, complete with mini huts housing designers who were customising the official VFNO t-shirts. Most popular of all the designers was Proudlock from Made in Chelsea who seemed to have given up customizing t-shirts and instead was patiently posing for photographs with the horde of girls outside his hut – nice work if you can get it. I’d had a run in with Proudlock before at London Fashion Week in February (you can read all about my experiences here) and had been so nervous about taking his photo I kept messing it up. He was very patient about it though and being a bit cheeky (must have been all that prosecco) I approached him (when there was a centimeter of space between him and the next girl) and asked if he remembered me messing up his picture at LFW. He said he did and asked if the picture I took that night had worked out. Giddy that he’d remembered me I said yes. The bf thinks he was lying but I’m having that one!

Already on a high, the evening’s delights still had plenty to offer! I spied one of my favourite shoe designers Sophia Webster in a hut customizing tees with one of her famed designs. Excited, I ran to buy one of the VFNO t-shirts (hats off to Vogue marketing, those t-shirts were flying off the shelves faster than a supermodel avoids a food table). 

I felt like I was waiting to see Santa at the shopping mall I was so excited but after standing for almost 20 minutes Sophia quickly ducked out of her hut off to another event. I heard whispers that she would be back and so undeterred I wandered around Harvey Nichols biding my time like any good stalker. After almost an hour though and no sign of Sophia I reluctantly lined up to have my t-shirt customised by someone else. That is, until I saw Sophia standing in a crowd watching an interview. Emboldened by my encounter with Proudlock I approached her and asked if she would be coming back to customize t-shirts any time soon. She looked a bit deflated (I don’t blame her, 30 minutes in that hut would be the end of anyone) but said she’d do one for me. I was on cloud nine! I chatted with her and her boyfriend about my impending move to their hometown London and they absolutely couldn’t have been nicer. Excited beyond belief I left Harvey Nics absolutely buzzing, what a way to end the evening. 

And, although impulse event t-shirts are usually a great idea on the night and are relegated to the pyjama draw for the rest of their lives I’ve been rocking my Sophia tee numerous times since VFNO. Well, it’s one of a kind dahling!

Sarah x

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Not so grim North

As an Aussie living in England (Manchester to be exact) it's easy to get homesick. The constant rain, the grey skies (recent weather excepted) and the general consensus that "it's grim up North!" mean that I'm often day dreaming of my tropical home. However, there are occasions when I'm reminded just how wonderful England can be and how lucky I am to be living here at this present moment. No, I'm not talking about the Royal birth (although I have binged on Royal baby news in recent days to a level which is exceedingly unhealthy) nor am I enamoured with Andy Murray's conquest of Wimbledon (still an amazing accomplishment none-the-less). Instead, I'm talking about the very thing that brings people flocking to this country time and time again, and has them bemoaning the lack of it in their own countries. I'm talking about culture. Shakespeare to be exact. Yes, the bard might be a bane of every high-school student's life but when you get to see his work spoken by one of the world's greatest actors, you suddenly think there's no where else you'd rather be. Yes folks, this weekend I had the great privilege to see Kenneth Branagh in Macbeth - via live stream to a car park in Manchester city centre. Still, it was worth every pin and needle, every uncomfortable moment spent sitting on concrete.

The bf and I packed up a little picnic set filled with the standard M&S supplies (jam and cream donuts, toffee popcorn and caramel nuts, as you do) and settled in to an evening of top class acting. It was amazing. I particularly loved Alex Kingston as Lady Macbeth. She who was so unceremoniously ousted from ER because of her age shone as the manipulative woman behind the man who comes to rue her actions with the deliciously famous line, "out damn spot!" As for Kenneth, seeing him on the stage made me realise how well-earned his plaudits are. That man owns Shakespeare!

The set was superb, a muddy trench flanked by the audience and featuring a candle-lit stage at one end. As the rain fell for the opening sequence I wished I was there in person, feeling every flick of mud, what an experience! Still, the balmy summer's evening in Manchester was the next best thing. The two hours passed quickly and before I knew it we were applauding the actors as they took their bow on screen.

On the way back to our car the crowd buzzed with excitement, not only for having seen a great play re-enacted by one of the greatest actors, but also with the fact that the evening hadn't been marred by rain or any other cliched English weather front. Perhaps it isn't so grim up North!

Sarah x

Thursday, 18 July 2013

A break is as good as a rest

I have a number of blogger friends in my life outside the net and whenever I talk to them about their blog the recurring theme is that blogging is essentially a second job. Except of course that it doesn't come with all the perks of a second job, i.e. the steady flow of cash! Now, I am sure that when many people think of blogging they think, "Oh, writing. How hard can that be?!" But bloggers (and writers) know differently. Firstly, there's coming up with an idea for a post, one which is engaging and endearing to your reader(s). Then you have to consider what imagery you'll use, how it will be formatted, crediting appropriate sources. Then you can write. It might seem straight forward but combine it with the tasks of everyday life and suddenly your life seems pretty busy.

So, what does this have to do with my hiatus from blogging you might ask?

I'm under no illusions that, currently, the only person who actually knows I've not been blogging is myself but perhaps one day, when I'm a fabulously successful blogger pulling in a 100k visitors a week (one can dream can't one) someone might stumble across these early posts and think, "Gee, Sarah was a bit slack back in the day". To which I will have this reply ready: blogging is a lot harder than I thought it would be! There, I've said it, I've admitted that things became a bit too much and I cracked under the pressure! Oh the shame!

Never let it be said however that I shy away from a challenge! So, yes, I admit, maintaining a regular blog has been hard work and yes, I have been a bit lazy. But, I am determined to make my blog work, if only for the fact that someone, someday might come across this little piece of online Real Estate when I am long gone (and the internet is embedded as a microchip in our heads) and think, "Hey, this Sarah girl seems alright, she had some pretty good ideas."

Simple dreams I know, but that's who I am.

Stay tuned for further, more regular blogging from now on - pinkie promise!

Hmm, well I could blog or I could create a database of all the different clothing combinations I own

Sarah x

Monday, 22 April 2013

Advance Australian Fashion: MBFF Part One

Last week Sydney hosted the Mercedes Benz fashion festival. Seeing the parade of brightly dressed models, never-ending sunshine and iconic locations on blogs worldwide made me just that little bit homesick for the land of Oz. Not to mention I was very envious of a number of friends back home who got to see the collections in the flesh (I shouldn't moan though as I was very privilege to attend London Fashion Week earlier this year!) Sydney fashion week is Australia's only major international fashion week, although there are a number of others which attract a high profile locally. Their collections don't usually match up with the markets of the Northern Hemisphere (this fashion week showcased Spring/Summer 2013/2014 while recent fashion festivals in Europe and America have recently shown Autumn/Winter 2013/2014) but this year's MBFF certainly showed off what Australian designers do best - relaxed and laid back fashion, brightly coloured with the odd hint of structure. Just like the Australian people! On my travels throughout the blogosphere and internet I came across some collections which I had to share!

I've always had a soft spot for Easton Pearson, two gals from my hometown of Brisbane. They were one of a number of iconic local designers to pave the way for Australian fashion in the 1980s. This season's collection is bright, bold but easily wearable looks you can picture yourself in while lazing at a bar on an overseas holiday. I'm loving the Marge Simpson inspired hairdo's as well, although I'm hoping these don't become widely adopted, I don't think I suit blue hair (or yellow for that matter)!

Jayson Brunsdon's collection this season seemed to shun the bright colours favoured by most designer's for Spring/Summer. Instead, he opted for rich tones, like blue, black and sea green. I love the elegance of his clothes and their structured tailoring and attention to detail - you just know those pants are going to fit seemlessly! My only dislike is his penchant for voluminous skirts which balloon at the waist on some of his dresses - they give the appearance of pregnancy, and no girl wants to be mistaken for being pregnant when she isn't!

It seemed the blogosphere was alive with the amazingness of Romance was Born after their eclectic-to-say-the-least, collection. Known for the playful, don't give a damn, constantly pushing the boundaries style, Romance Was Born was the highlight for many a fashionista and definitely one for me, an armchair observer. The set looked like a lovechild between Mork, Mindy and some serious hippy tie-dye and the collection was similarly intergalactic. Words can't describe how much I love Romance was Born! Seriously, how fantastical does this look!!! Love, love love!

What was your highlight from Australian Fashion Week?

Sarah x

Monday, 15 April 2013

It's my party and I'll indulge if I want to!

So last week was my birthday and in true indulgent and selfish celebration style the bf and I whisked ourselves all the way in to the heart of Manchester (a whole 15 mins by train from home!) Still, this wasn't just any birthday celebration, we enjoyed a Spa session (a Living Social spesh) and overnight stay at the Hilton hotel Deansgate.

This is something my dreams are made of - a completely indulgent, luxurious pampering session after which I just get to slob out and relax - amazing! After checking in and enjoying the obligatory sussing out of the hotel room we wandered down to the spa area to use the facilities before our treatment. It was a gorgeous sunny afternoon and as we relaxed in the jacuzzi we felt like we could be anywhere, it certainly didn't look like the heart of a northern English city! After visiting the sauna, steam room, swimming in the pool and relaxing in the jacuzzi we felt that we'd got our "money's worth" of this particular aspect of the stay and headed off to wait for our treatment.

The Hilton 303 Spa advertises a number of packages, many of which include use of the facilities beforehand so it would have been nice to have been offered a robe and slippers (as I've been given in other Spas) to go from the pool to the treatment rooms, instead of sitting outside with just a towel round me as guests walk past. Still, I wasn't really that bothered about getting changed so was happy to sit in my swimmers, even though I did feel a bit out of place!

This was our first couples Spa session (hello relationship milestone!) and although the bf was a bit cynical about the treatment (isn't it just water and a pat on the back?) we both came out of the session feeling like we were walking on air - well I did anyway! In fact, I'm sure at one point I fell asleep during the massage, I just hope I didn't snore. We had the aromatic massage and facial so the room was thick with the smell of fragrant oils, it was gorgeous.

The indulgence didn't stop there though. The bf had done some detective work and discovered a hidden restaurant gem, El Rincon - also known as the most authentic Spanish restaurant in Manchester. Now, I'm not normally afraid of walking around Manchester at night but I have to say I'm glad I had the bf with me as we ended up walking down a very suspicious alleyway to get to our destination. Once you overcome at the feeling of foreboding you're well rewarded with a restaurant that looks like it's been transplanted from the streets of Barcelona. Even though it was a weeknight El Rincon was bustling and we had to wait for a table. It was definitely worth it though as we sampled dish after authentic dish. I adore Tapas - anything that lets me choose multiple options (I'm notoriously in-decisive) is top in my books!

Feeling very satiated we stumbled back to the hotel to enjoy some lovely Laurent Perrier champagne that the bf had been given from work (but that we graciously donated to my birthday celebrations). It was the perfect end to one of the best birthdays so far!

How do you like to spend your birthdays? 

Sarah x

Image credit: Hotels.com/Hotels.com/Viva Lifestyle/Spotted by Locals

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bathroom inspiration

Elsewhere in the blogging world I've been looking at spicing up the humble bathroom. Although a lot of people tend to stick with traditional white fittings the bathroom is the ideal place to incorporate bolder designs because of its compact size - it's like a trial run for other rooms in the house! There's some truly stunning results to be seen and I hope they inspire you to get creative. If I weren't in a rental flat I'd totally be rocking some banana leaf wallpaper in my bathroom! Click on the link to check out the page :-)

Sarah x

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

An ode to a game with thrones

Happy Easter all! Hope everyone had a suitably indulgent long weekend :-) Like many people on Monday, instead of enjoying the sunshine and the last few hours of freedom outside, I was sat inside, with curtains drawn, watching the first episode of Game of Thrones season three. I've been waiting for this day for months, 10 months to be exact. At risk of sounding like an over enthusiastic groupie, I love love love Game of Thrones (cue numerous exclamation marks)!!!! The epic scope of George R.R Martin's series is truly breathtaking with its intricate plot lines and the deep background of its characters.

Sean Bean as Ned Stark
While it's the story that keeps me gripped, it's Martin's portrayal of characters that are so true to life that keeps me gushing about it to anyone who isn't already a fan. I'm so over reading books and watching programs with one dimensional characters who have the odd injection of intrigue to keep the storyline somewhat interesting. What I love about Game of Thrones is that the characters are neither truly good nor truly bad. Of course, there's the underlying battle between good and evil, but when you get closer to the characters you realise that their morality is a grey zone. They might be on the side of the baddies but they still have elements of good about them. Similarly, the characters who you're always rooting for sometimes fall short, leaving you questioning their actions and the honesty of their motivations.

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
Last year I had the pleasure of speaking with the man behind the series, Mr Martin himself, for an assignment I was working on for my Masters. I was looking at his interpretation of Hadrian's Wall which was used as inspiration for "The Wall" in the books. He was very forthcoming about his ideas and I was privileged to glimpse into the creativity which forged these fantastic books. He told me that it was Hadrian's Wall which began the series way back when. On a visit to the ancient Roman wall with a friend he imagined what it must have been like for the Romans, as dusk descended, facing an unknown land beyond. And so began an epic story and my latest obsession!

The Wall
This post is a little deviation from the norm but I just had to share a little ode to my favourite series (and if I'm preoccupied with dragons, medieval dresses and sword fights for a while you know the reason why!) Happy watching!

Sarah x

Image credit: Film Music Reporter/Pocket-lint/Game of Thrones.wikia

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Wire style furniture

I've never really thought much about wire style furniture. I have to confess I always thought it was a bit industrial, forever relegated outside. However, researching my latest post for the Appliances Online blog about Wire style furniture, I found myself converted to its relaxed and urban style. Versatile, wire furniture can be incorporated into so many areas, outside, inside, bathrooms, bedrooms. It's open styled look also means you can paint it vibrant shades without it overpowering a room. It's almost like the perfect piece of furniture! Anywho! If you fancy reading the rest of the post just click on the pic :-)

Sarah x

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Hat's Off!

I don't know about you but for me, the first sign of straw hats in shops always heralds the beginning of the warmer months. Summer is sitting under the shade of a wide brimmed hat at the beach or relaxing with friends in a beer garden and festivals are always spent under a straw fedora. Growing up in Australia, hats were a necessity to keep the sun of my ghost white and easily burned skin (not cool!) As much as I love hats however I have to admit my sister's always looked better in them and I've often shied away from them because I think they don't suit me. But this summer I'm making a concerted effort to re-style my headwear and make hats a key part of my outfits. With that in mind, here's some of my favourites so far this season...

1. Bright and bold, the very essence of a summer hat from Anthropologie (£38).

2. Add a feather to your cap, literally, with this jaunty piece from Harvey Nichols (£40).

3. Love the cute bow on this bargain buy from H&M. Perfect for messing around in on summer hols. (£4.99)

4. Love love love this quirky piece from Anna Sui from Net-a-Porter. Think I’ll have to pass this up
to someone much more stylish (and adventurous) though (£380).

5. Now, this hat has a real winter look about it but I couldn’t resist including it because of the Indiana Jones vibe it’s got going on. Too cool! From Topshop (£25)

Which is your favourite? What do you think of hats? Are they an accessory or pure necessity?

Sarah x

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Ice-cream Dreams

I don't know about you guys but this freezing weather is making me desperate for Spring! I've been thinking warm thoughts to help banish the grey skies and snow back to the Arctic (clearly it's not been working!) and so my latest post for Appliances Online At Home is inspired by the pretty pastels and ice-cream shades of warmer months. Hope you enjoy! (Click on the picture to see the full post!)

Sarah x

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/6240553/?claim=87st7m6mjja">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Beauty editing with Net-a-Porter

As a long time window shopper (can you window shop on the internet?) of Net-a-Porter it was with much excitement that I checked out their newest addition to the realms of luxury shopping - the beauty department. Net-a-Porter have started things of artfully, naming the group of beauty products on sale as "The Edit." And edited they are - only the best of the best seem to appear on Net-a-Porter's monochrome pages. In keeping with the theme, I've done a sneaky edit of my own, picking out the products topping my wish list. Happy (window) shopping!

1. I've often read about the virtues of Philip B's hair treatments in the pages of Vogue, Harpers and In Style. Obviously Net a Porter agree with their approval as his products make up their entire haircare department. I'm imagining rich honey scents evoking images of hot summer days...but maybe that's just me!

2. I used to love Aesop's fables as a child and as a budding writer I feel it appropriate that I should use the famed storyteller's namesake brand. Well, that's how I'm justifying the price when I put my order in! Maybe I could use it as a tax write off if I use it as inspiration for a book.....

3. Ok, so even by Net-a-Porter's standards this beautifully packaged perfume by Âmes Sœurs Solid Perfume is expensive at £340 (!) But I so would if I had a spare couple of hundred hanging around. Until then, I'll just admire from afar. It's proven popular with shoppers though, selling out on the first day of release!

4. I love how handy these Instant Miracle Masks are by Sarah Chapman - no it's not just because of the name! Imagine popping them in your Louis before boarding your private jet! My fave thing about these masks though is that they can be used for the décolletage area which often starts to age before other areas of skin due to its delicacy. 

5. I've recently become a rouge convert and wear red lipstick at every opportunity. I'm sure this gorgeous lippy by Le Metier de Beaute would become a firm favourite if I could get my little hands on it! I'm particularly loving it's name, Sydney  - perhaps I can justify it to the bf by saying it would make me less homesick by brining me closer to home!

What are you loving from Net a Porter's beauty picks? 

Sarah x

Image credit: All images courtesy of Net-a-Porter

Monday, 18 March 2013

London Fashion Week

Hello everyone! 

So, alongside my lovely little blog I also work at Appliances Online (a girl can't live on blogging alone after all - well not yet anyway!) where I'm a regular contributor to the Appliances Online At Home blog. A few weeks ago I had the amazing privilege of attending London Fashion Week. Yes, little old me rubbed shoulders (well almost, I am only tiny!) with some of the world's most famous models and designers. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I had an amazing time! Anyway, I wrote about my experiences for our blog, which I thought I'd share here with you all.


I partnered what I saw on the catwalk with interior design trends as there's a close correlation between both genres. My favourite look is definitely the plastic coat, although I'm not sure if I could pull it off! 

Click on the pictures if you want to read more (go on, you know you want to!)

Plastic and Lucite

 Sarah x