Last weekend, the bf and I went on a Eurostar jaunt across the channel to Bruges. We'd long been intrigued by the Belgian city, me for its wonderfully preserved medieval architecture and the bf for its endless selection of beers. With an overpacked case (I can never travel without packing the kitchen sink) we boarded an afternoon Eurostar train and soon found ourselves racing past the green countryside of France and the industrial cities of Belgium. As an Aussie it never ceases to amaze me how quickly you can get into Europe from Britain. A mere three hours later and we were disembarking in Brussels. A short train journey later and we arrived in Bruges.

Friends had told us that we simply had to visit a local institution, the
Ribs 'n Beer restaurant. Those two words are like a red flag to a bull for the bf so as soon as we'd unloaded our bags in the hotel we went in search of the recommended restaurant. Through cobbled streets and serene churches we had our first taste of Bruges. It was so picturesque and fairytale like we couldn't help but laugh when we saw a Claire's Accessories shop, it seemed so out of place!
We soon found the aforementioned restaurant, which describes its fare as tongue-in-cheek Belgian soul food, and settled to down to a truly moorish feast. Meat eaters, this place is heaven! Plus, did I forget to mention that the ribs were bottomless!? I am most certainly going to hell because my gluttony knew no bounds that night. Drunk on rib sauce we emerged into the frosty night and quickly took shelter in a nearby backpackers hostel bar. Bar snobs might sneer but I truly believe you can't get a more authentic and exciting local atmosphere than in a backpackers hostel. Everyone seems so carefree and relaxed, we always like to duck into a hostel bar whenever we're abroad, they're definitely some of the best nights we've ever had! Truly drunk this time we tripped and staggered, no thanks to the cobbles, back to the hotel.

The next few days passed in a haze of beer, historical buildings, frites, waffles, more beer and the odd downpour (cue movie-like montage!) One of my favourite things about exploring Bruges was coming across hidden architectural features, they were everywhere. Cherubic door knockers and little figurines on the edges of window shutters. It's these hidden finds that make a journey so much more memorable than the big attractions (the view from the top of the Belfry was amazing though!)
If you want to explore Bruges in its natural habitat, so-to-speak I'd definitely recommend visiting in January. The city is quiet, with minimal tourists and it's the perfect opportunity to leisurely wander the city without having to battle through the crowds to get those all important photo ops.
All too soon our visit was over and we were bidding Bruges goodbye through a haze of drizzle (well-timed!) Both ourselves and our case felt a couple of stones heavier, thanks to an indulgent diet and some souvenir drinks.
Have you visited Bruges? What was your favourite memory?
Sarah x